Monday, March 5, 2018

Meaningful Mondays: If You Want To Know, "Just Ask"

Inspirational Quotes Inspirational Messages Meaninful Mondays A Stylish Love Story Blog Joanna Joy Fashion Blogger

You may think that asking questions is a such a simple idea however, so many of us don't have the courage to use this important communication skill.  We often assume that we know the answers to the questions that have never been asked.  These questions and the conversations that come next are so important.  No problem can be solved, no relationship can be mended, and no common ground can be found unless we ask questions.  Let's try to stay curious about people and ideas, and make an effort to continually learn something new.  Let's try to keep an open heart, an open mind, and listen for everyone's truth.  Let's seek first to understand, then be understood.  If you want to know...Just Ask.  Afterall, it's the best way for us to learn, grow, and move forward together.

With Love,



  1. Asking questions is a very crucial skill. People would make less assumptions if they practiced this skill a lot more.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I agree, people assume a lot about one another without taking the time to find out their story.

  2. so interesting babe!

  3. This is so very true! Great post, Joanna!
